Изучаем корейский с Маленьким принцем (2022)


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Изучаем корейский с Маленьким принцем (2022)


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Learning Korean with the Little Prince (2022)
Charlie Jung
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Learning Korean with the Little Prince (2022)

This book has been edited so that the Korean language learners can improve their Korean skills by reading the world-famous novel The Little Prince This book divides the novel into short units (one or several paragraphs) and arranges the Korean and English texts sequentially. Korean words or phrases that appear for the first time are explained in each unit. Some words are explained next to the corresponding words.Both Korean and English versions have been newly translated by the contributor. And both versions refrained from paraphrasing and made a more direct translation. In particular, the English version uses French sentence structures and words to maximize the feel of the original. This book will be helpful for those who like The Little Prince and want to learn Korean.Antoine de Saint-Exuprywas a French writer and aviator. He is remembered for his lyrical works such as <The Little Prince>, <Wind, Sand and Stars>, and <Night Flight>. The Little Prince was published in April 1943 while living in exile in New York during World War II. He left for his ninth reconnaissance flight on July 31, 1944, but never returned.Charlie Jungis a South Korean lawyer. He bought the French edition of <The Little Prince> to study French when he was young, and since then he has read this book whenever he wants to improve his French. Based on these experiences, he translated this novel into Korean and English and published this book.

  • Autorzy: Charlie Jung
  • Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
  • Data wydania: 2022
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 159
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9791197755507

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