Шекспир: Полное собрание сочинений (2020) АУДИОКНИГА


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Шекспир: Полное собрание сочинений (2020) АУДИОКНИГА


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Shakespeare: The Complete Works (2020)
Shakespeare, William
HarperCollins Publishers
audiobook MP3


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka do słuchania (AUDIOBOOK) w formacie MP3

Shakespeare: The Complete Works (2020) AUDIOBOOK

William Collins Books and Decca Records are proud to present ARGO Classics, a historic catalogue of classic prose and verse read by some of the world's most renowned voices. Originally released as vinyl records, these expertly remastered stories are now available to download for the first time. For the first time, the complete works of Shakespeare are available to download as one. This collection includes all 37 plays, 4 narrative poems, and the sonnets. Performed by an incredible array of the 20th century's greatest actors, Ian McKellen, Timothy West, Diana Rigg, Derek Jacobi, Roy Dotrice, Prunella Scales, and many others can be heard in these recordings. All of the Shakespeare plays within the ARGO Classics catalogue are performed by the Marlowe Dramatic Society and Professional Players. The Marlowe was founded in 1907 with a mission to focus on effective delivery of verse, respect the integrity of texts, and rescue neglected plays by Shakespeare's contemporaries and the less performed plays of Shakespeare himself. The Marlowe has performed annually at Cambridge Arts Theatre since its opening in 1936 and continues to produce some of the finest actors of their generations. This collection brings together all of Shakespeare's works, including:* A Lover's Complaint* A Midsummer Night's Dream* All's Well That Ends Well* Antony And Cleopatra* As You Like It* Coriolanus* Cymbeline* Hamlet* Henry IV, Pt. 1* Henry IV, Pt. 2* Henry V* Henry VI, Pt. 1* Henry VI, Pt. 2* Henry VI, Pt. 3* Henry VIII* Julius Caesar* King John* King Lear* Love's Labour's Lost* Macbeth* Measure For Measure* Much Ado About Nothing* Othello* Pericles, Prince Of Tyre* Richard II* Richard III* Romeo And Juliet* Sonnets* The Comedy Of Errors* The Merchant Of Venice* The Merry Wives Of Windsor* The Phoenix and the Turtle* The Rape Of Lucrece* The Taming Of The Shrew* The Tempest* The Two Gentlemen Of Verona* The Winter's Tale* Timon Of Athens* Titus Andronicus* Troilus And Cressida* Twelfth Night* Venus And Adonis The full casts for each production in this collection can be found in the description of the individual play's product page.

  • Autorzy: Shakespeare, William
  • Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Data wydania: 2020
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: MP3 (ZIP)
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9780008462048

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