Исчезнувшая королева - Кэмпбелл, Лисбет АУДИОКНИГА


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Исчезнувшая королева - Кэмпбелл, Лисбет АУДИОКНИГА


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Język publikacji
Vanished Queen (2020)
Campbell, Lisbeth
inne (Simon & Schuster Audio)
audiobook MP3


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka do słuchania (AUDIOBOOK) w formacie MP3

Vanished Queen - Campbell, Lisbeth AUDIOBOOK

A stunning blend of vivid fantasy and political drama, The Vanished Queen is the timely story of a young resistance fighter working to overthrow a totalitarian ruler's regime of terror and lies. ';[G]rippingthis is the novel the world needs now' (Kate Heartfield, Nebula Award finalist and author of Aurora Awardwinning novel Armed in Her Fashion).Long ago, Queen Mirantha vanished. King Karolje claimed she was assassinated by a neighboring ruler, but her people knew the truth: the king had Disappeared her himself. Now the queen's disappearance is hardly a memorymerely one among many horrors the king's reign has wrought. But when Anza, a young student impassioned by her father's unjust execution, finds the missing queen's diary, she is inspired by Mirantha's wordsjoins the resistance group to overthrow the king. Prince Esvar is the second son to an evil king. Trapped under his thumb and desperate for a way out, a chance meeting with Anza gives him the opportunity to join the resistance. Together, they might have the leverage to move against the kingbut if they fail, their deaths could mean a total loss of freedom for generations to follow. In this dangerous game of court politics, one misstep could lead to a fate worse than death. Set in a world where resistance is as dangerous as it is important, The Vanished Queen is a ';big, dark, intricate novel' (Lousia Morgan, author of A Secret History of Witches) about the courage and sacrifice it requires to take on a tyrant.

  • Autorzy: Campbell, Lisbeth
  • Wydawnictwo: Simon & Schuster Audio
  • Data wydania: 2020
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: MP3 (ZIP)
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781797110837

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