Воры Черного моря - О'Нил, Джо EBOOK
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Thieves of the Black Sea is the fourth book of the award-winning Red Hand Adventures seriesFollowing in the footsteps of The Adventures of Tintin, Rudyard Kipling, Indiana Jones, and Treasure Island, this exciting adventure takes place all over the globe including Constantinople in 1914! The four young friends everyone has come to love encounter hair-raising capers as they face challenges at every turn.These books are historical fiction, beginning in 1912, and take place throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are focused on middle readers aged 912. However, many adults love the books as much as the kids. All the books are $9.95 and soft cover. Thousands of schools and libraries are incorporating the books into their curriculum because they are page-turners (perfect for the reluctant reader), provide excellent geographical and historical lessons, and strongly emphasize the importance of friendship and ethics.The first book of the series, Rebels of the Kasbah, has been included in school and library book contests across North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Connecticut, Colorado, Wisconsin, and many other states.
- Autorzy: O'Neill, Joe
- Wydawnictwo: Black Ship Publishing
- Data wydania: 2021
- Wydanie:
- Liczba stron:
- Format pliku: DRM EPUB
- Język publikacji: angielski
- ISBN: 9780990546986
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