Супер мило: сюрприз для ночевки и лучшая картошка фри


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Супер мило: сюрприз для ночевки и лучшая картошка фри


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Język publikacji
Super Cute: The Sleepover Surprise & Best Friends Forever (2021)
audiobook MP3
Bird, Pip
HarperCollins Publishers


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka do słuchania (AUDIOBOOK) w formacie MP3

Super Cute: The Sleepover Surprise & Best Frie

The brand-new must-have super funny series from the creators of the bestselling Naughtiest Unicorn!Prepare to enter a whole world of cute! Funny bunnies who perform acrobatics, mini pigs wearing multi-coloured wellies, sushi-mice that sleep curled-up in the middle of sweet-smelling flowers. The world of cute is the most adorable place EVER ... but the friends you're about to meet like to cause chaos in this world of cuteness!Lucky the Lunacorn is super happy that she has a horn that glows, even though that's all it does right now ... and she's taking part in the annual cute competition where she's up against some seriously talented cuties! Still, Lucky is sure it's what's inside that counts, and her new friends Sammy the speed-talking sloth and Pip the distinctly un-tropical, ninja pineapple totally agree. But will the judges ... ?Sammy is the most un-sloth-like-sloth that you'll ever meet! He is always busy and excited but today he can hardly contain himself. He's having a sleepover at the museum with his friends and has so many things planned, from treasure hunts to midnight feasts! But when someone tries to sabotage the sleepover, it's up to Sammy and his friends to work out who is causing trouble. And does it have something to do with Clive the tutu-wearing chihuahua ... ?Pip Bird's laugh-out-loud, heart-warming stories celebrate the differences in us all.

  • Autorzy: Bird, Pip
  • Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Data wydania: 2021
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: MP3 (ZIP)
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9780008487478

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