Истерлингские конные командиры | Властелин колец


5 551  ₽
Истерлингские конные командиры | Властелин колец
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Easterling Mounted Commanders Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings


Model z kategorii "Available to order" na stronie producenta, czyli jest zapakowany w białym pudełku bez grafiki, z logo Games Workshop.

Produkt oryginalny. Do samodzielnego złożenia i pomalowania. Nie zawiera farb ani kleju.


Opis producenta:

The initiates of the Order of the Dragon Knights are those Easterling warriors who have dedicated their lives to mastering the martial arts, inspired by their exemplar, Amdûr. Hundreds of aspirants will show their skills to the knights who act as shrine-keepers, but only a select few will be invited to remain and commence their training in earnest. Although their life is solitary by choice, and they accept only handfuls of warriors into their number, when the war call thunders across Rhûn, the Dragon Knights answer – and their talents are enough to turn the tide of battle.

None can say quite what drove the Easterlings to worship the Dark Lord, but worship him they do, offering their lives readily on countless battlefields. Foremost among these devotees are the War Priests, who drive those around them into a battle frenzy, ignoring injuries or driving home sword strokes with unbelievable force. Some reason this is through fiery and religious fervour, others that it is by dark magic... regardless, the result is the same.

This multipart resin kit builds two formidable Heroes for use in Easterling armies. The Dragon Knight is a ruthless warrior specialised in killing enemy Heroes, whilst the War Priest empowers his allies with dark magical powers. The kit comprises eight resin components, and is supplied with 2x Citadel 40mm Round Bases. Rules for these miniatures can be found in Armies of The Lord of the Rings™.

This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel paints.


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