The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (1999)
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Widely acclaimed as the most authoritative and accessible one-volume dictionary available in English (and now with translations into Chinese, Korean, Russian, Italian, and Spanish underway) this second edition offers an even richer, more comprehensive, and more up-to-date survey of ideas and thinkers written by an international team of 436 contributors. Includes the most comprehensive entries on major philosophers, 400 new entries including over 50 on preeminent contemporary philosophers, extensive coverage of rapidly developing fields such as the philosophy of mind and applied ethics, more entries on non-Western philosophy than any comparable volume, and increased coverage of Continental philosophy.
- Autorzy: Robert Audi
- Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
- Data wydania: 1999
- Wydanie: 2
- Liczba stron:
- Forma publikacji: ePub (online)
- Język publikacji: angielski
- ISBN: 9781107263888
- Coverpage
- Half title page
- Board of Editorial Advisors
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Contents
- Contributors
- Preface to the First Edition
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Dictionary
- A
- Abailard, Pierre
- Abdera, School of
- Abderites
- abduction
- Abelard, Peter
- abhidharma
- abhinivesha
- abortion
- Abrabanel, Isaac ben Judah
- Abrabanel, Judah
- absent qualia
- absolute, the
- absolute right
- absolute space
- Absolute Spirit
- absolute threshold
- absolute time
- absolutism, ethical
- abstract
- abstracta
- abstract entity
- abstraction
- abstraction, axiom of
- abstraction, lambda-
- absurd
- absurdity
- Abunaser
- AC
- Academic Skepticism
- Academy
- accent, fallacy of
- accessibility, epistemic
- accessibility between two worlds
- accident
- accident, fallacy of
- accidental generalization
- accidentalism
- accidental property
- accidie
- accomplishment verb
- achievement verb
- Achilles paradox
- acosmism
- acquaintance, knowledge by
- acrasia
- act-content-object-psychology
- act, propositional
- act, voluntary
- action, basic
- action, philosophy of
- action at a distance
- action theory
- act(ion)-token
- act(ion)-type
- action verb
- active euthanasia
- active power
- activity verb
- act-object distinction
- act-object psychology
- act of commission
- act of omission
- actual infinite
- actualism
- actualist
- actuality
- actualization, first
- actualization, second
- actual occasion
- actual reality
- act utilitarianism
- Adam de Wodeham
- adaptation
- adaptive system
- Adelard of Bath
- adequacy, analytic
- adequacy, material
- adequation
- ad hoc
- ad hoc hypothesis
- adhyatman
- adiaphora
- adicity
- adjunction
- Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund
- Advaita
- adventitious ideas
- adverbial theory
- Aenesidemus
- aesthetic attitude
- aesthetic form
- aesthetic formalism
- aesthetic property
- aesthetics
- affirming the consequent
- a fortiori argument
- African philosophy
- agama
- agape
- agathon
- agent-based ethics
- agent causation
- agent-neutral
- agent-relative
- agnoiology
- agnosticism
- agreement, method of
- Agriculture School
- aha?kara
- ahanta
- ahi?sa
- Ahura Mazda
- Ailly, Pierre d’
- aisthesis
- aitia
- akaśa
- akrasia
- ak?ara
- alaya-vijnana
- Albert of Saxony
- Albert the Great
- Albertus Magnus
- Albinus
- alchemy
- Alcinous
- Alcmaeon of Croton
- Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’
- alethic modalities
- Alexander, Samuel
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- Alexander of Hales
- Alexandrian School
- al-Farabi, Abu Nasr
- algebra, Boolean
- algebra, full subset
- al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid
- algorithm
- algorithmic function
- alienation
- aliorelative
- al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf
- Allais’s paradox
- allegory of the cave
- all-things-considered reason
- Alnwick, William of
- Alpharabius
- al-Razi, Abu Bakr
- Alston, William P.
- alternative, relevant
- alternative denial
- Althusser, Louis
- altruism
- ambiguity
- ambiguity, elliptic
- Ambrose, Saint
- Ammonius
- Ammonius Saccas
- amoralist
- amphiboly
- ampliatio
- ampliative inference
- ampliative judgment
- Analects
- analogical argument
- analogical predication
- analogies of experience
- analogy, argument from
- analogy of proportion
- analysandum
- analysans
- analysis
- analysis, mathematical
- analysis, noematic
- analysis, noetic
- analysis, regression
- analysis, standard
- analytic
- analytic, transcendental
- analytical definition
- analytical functionalism
- analytical jurisprudence
- analytical psychology
- analytic hierarchy
- analytic jurisprudence
- analytic Marxism
- analytic philosophy
- analytic–synthetic distinction
- anamnesis
- ananda
- ananke
- anaphor
- anaphora
- anarchism
- anattavada
- Anaxagoras
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes of Miletus
- ancestral
- ancient atomism
- Andronicus of Rhodes
- Anesidemus
- Angst
- anhomoeomerous
- animal faith
- Anniceraioi
- Anniceris
- anomalism of the mental
- anomalous monism
- anomaly
- Anschauung
- Anscombe, G(ertrude) E(lizabeth) M(argaret)
- Anselm
- An Sich
- antecedent
- antecedent, fallacy of denying the
- ante rem realism
- anthropology, philosophical
- anthroposophy
- antilogism
- antinomianism
- antinomy
- Antiochus of Ascalon
- Antipater
- Antiphon
- anti-razor
- anti-realism
- Antisthenes
- antisymmetrical
- antithesis
- apagoge
- apatheia
- apeiron
- apellatio
- apocatastasis
- apodictic
- apodosis
- apophantic
- aporetic
- aporia
- a posteriori
- appearing, theory of
- appellation
- apperception
- application (of a function)
- applied ethics
- a priori
- a priori argument
- a priori justification
- A-proposition
- Apuleius of Madaura
- Aquinas, Saint Thomas
- Arabic philosophy
- aradhya
- Arcesilaus of Pitane
- Archelaus of Athens
- archetype
- Archimedian ordering
- architecture, cognitive
- Archytas
- Arendt, Hannah
- aretaic
- arete
- argument
- argument, a priori
- argument, practical
- argument from analogy
- argument from authority
- argument from design
- argument from evil
- argument from hallucination
- argument from illusion
- argument (of a function)
- argumentum ad baculum
- argumentum ad hominem
- argumentum ad ignorantium
- argumentum ad judicium
- argumentum ad misericordiam
- argumentum ad populum
- argumentum ad verecundiam
- argumentum consensus
- Arianism
- Aristippus of Cyrene
- Aristotle
- Aristotle, commentaries on
- arithmetic hierarchy
- arity
- Arius
- Arminianism
- Arminius, Jacobus
- Armstrong, David M.
- Arnauld, Antoine
- Arouet, François-Marie
- a round
- arrow paradox
- Arrow’s paradox
- Arrow’s theorem
- art, philosophy of
- art, representational theory of
- artifactuality
- artificial intelligence
- artificial language
- artificial life
- ascriptivism
- a se
- aseity
- A-series
- Aspasius
- aspectual action paradox
- assent, notional
- assent, real
- assertability, warranted
- assertability conditions
- assertion
- assertion sign
- assertoric
- assisted suicide
- associationism
- association of ideas
- Astell, Mary
- asymmetrical
- ataraxia
- Athanasius
- atheism
- Atheismusstreit
- Athenian Academy
- Athenian School
- A-theory of time
- Atman
- atomism, ancient
- atomism, logical
- atomism, semantic
- Atticus
- attitude, phenomenological
- attitude, practical
- attitude, propositional
- attitude, reactive
- attribute
- attribution theory
- attributive pluralism
- attributive use of descriptions
- Augustine
- Aurelius, Marcus
- Austin, John
- Austin, J(ohn) L(angshaw)
- Australian materialism
- autarkia
- authenticity
- autological
- automata theory
- automatism, conscious
- automaton
- automaton, cellular
- automaton, finite
- automaton, self-reproducing
- autonomy
- autonomy of biology
- autonomy of ethics
- autonomy of psychology
- avatar
- Avempace
- Avenarius, Richard
- Averroes
- aversion therapy
- Avicebron
- Avicenna
- avidya
- awareness
- axiology
- axiom
- axiomatic method
- axiomatic system
- axiom of abstraction
- axiom of choice
- axiom of comprehension
- axiom of consistency
- axiom of extensionality
- axiom of infinity
- axiom of reducibility
- axiom of replacement
- axiom of separation
- axiom schema
- Ayer, A(lfred) J(ules)
- B
- Babbage, Charles
- Bachelard, Gaston
- backward causation
- Bacon, Francis
- Bacon, Roger
- Baden School
- bad faith
- Bain, Alexander
- Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich
- Bakunin, Mikhail
- Balguy, John
- Banez, Domingo
- Barbara
- barber paradox
- Barcan formula
- bare particular
- bargaining theory
- Barthes, Roland
- base, supervenience
- base clause
- basic action
- basic belief
- basic norm
- basic particular
- basic proposition
- basic sentence
- basic statement
- Basilides
- basing relation
- basis clause
- basis relation
- Bataille, Georges
- Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb
- Bayesian
- Bayesian rationality
- Bayes’s rule
- Bayes’s theorem
- Bayle, Pierre
- Beattie, James
- beauty
- Beauvoir, Simone de
- Beccaria, Cesare
- becoming
- becoming, temporal
- Bedeutung
- begging the question
- Begriff
- behavioral equivalence
- behavioralism
- behaviorism
- behaviorism, supervenient
- behavior therapy
- being
- belief
- belief, basic
- belief, degree of
- belief, ethics of
- belief, partial
- belief, properly basic
- belief-desire model
- belief revision
- Bell’s theorem
- beneficence
- Beneke, Friedrich Eduard
- benevolence
- Bentham, Jeremy
- Berdyaev, Nicolas
- Bergmann, Gustav
- Bergson, Henri Louis
- Berkeley, George
- Berlin, Isaiah
- Bernard of Chartres
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernoulli’s theorem
- Berry’s paradox
- Bertrand’s box paradox
- Bertrand’s paradox
- Beth’s definability theorem
- Bhagavad Gita
- bhakti
- bhava?ga
- biconditional
- biconditional, Tarskian
- bilateral reduction sentence
- binary quantifier
- bioethics
- biological naturalism
- biology, autonomy of
- biology, philosophy of
- biology, social
- Birkhoff–von Neumann logic
- bit
- bivalence, principle of
- black box
- bleen
- blindsight
- Bloch, Ernst
- Blondel, Maurice
- bodily continuity
- Bodin, Jean
- body, objective
- body, phenomenal
- Boehme, Jakob
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
- Boltzmann, Ludwig
- Bolzano, Bernard
- Bonaventure, Saint
- boo-hurrah theory
- Book of Changes
- book of life
- Boole, George
- Boolean algebra
- borderline case
- Born interpretation
- Bosanquet, Bernard
- Boscovich, Roger Joseph
- bottom-up
- bound variable
- Bouwsma, O(ets) K(olk)
- Boyle, Robert
- bracketing
- Bradley, F(rancis) H(erbert)
- Bradwardine, Thomas
- Brahma
- Brahman
- Brahmanism
- brain in a vat
- Brandt, Richard B.
- Brentano, Franz
- Brentano’s thesis
- bridge law
- British empiricists
- Broad, C(harlie) D(unbar)
- Brouwer, Luitzgen Egbertus Jan
- Bruno, Giordano
- Brunschvicg, Léon
- B-series
- B-theory of time
- Buber, Martin
- Buchmanism
- Buddha
- Buddhagosa
- Buddhism
- Buddhism, Hinayana
- Buddhism, Kyo-hak
- Buddhism, Mahayana
- Buddhism, Son
- Buddhism, Theravada
- Buddhism, Zen
- bundle theory
- bundle theory of the self
- Burali-Forte paradox
- Buridan, Jean
- Buridan’s ass
- Burke, Edmund
- Burley, Walter
- business ethics
- Butler, Joseph
- C
- cabala
- Caird, Edward
- Cajetan
- calculi of relations
- calculus
- calculus, fluxional
- calculus, lambda-
- calculus, propositional
- calculus, sentential
- calculus, sequential
- calculus of classes
- calculus of individuals
- calculus ratiocinator
- Calvin, John
- Cambridge change
- Cambridge Platonists
- Cambridge property
- camera obscura
- Campanella, Tommaso
- Campbell, Norman Robert
- Camus, Albert
- Canguilhem, Georges
- Cantor, Georg
- Cantor’s paradox
- Cantor’s theorem
- capacity, diminished
- capacity responsibility
- cardinality
- cardinal utility
- cardinal virtues
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Carnap, Rudolf
- Carneades
- Carroll, Lewis
- Cartesian circle
- Cartesian demon
- Cartesian dualism
- Cartesian interactionism
- Cartesianism
- Cartesian product
- Carvaka
- Cassirer, Ernst
- Castaneda, Hector-Neri
- casuistry
- categorematic
- categorematica
- categorical grammar
- categorical imperative
- categorical-in-power
- categorical proposition
- categorical theory
- categoricity
- categories, table of
- categories of the understanding
- category
- category mistake
- category-preserving
- category theory
- causal chain
- causal closure
- causal decision theory
- causal dependence
- causal determinism
- causal-historical theory of reference
- causal immediacy
- causal law
- causal overdetermination
- causal relation, singular
- causal responsibility
- causal statement, singular
- causal theory of knowledge
- causal theory of mental content
- causal theory of mind
- causal theory of perception
- causal theory of proper names
- causal theory of reference
- causation
- causation, backward
- causation, counterfactual analysis of
- causation, immanent
- causation, manipulation analysis of
- causation, probabilistic
- causation, regularity theory of
- causation, substance
- causation, transeunt
- causative verb
- cause, efficient
- cause, final
- cause, formal
- cause, material
- cause, preemptive
- cause, superseding
- cause, sustaining
- causes, the four
- causa sui
- cave, allegory of the
- Cavell, Stanley Louis
- Cavendish, Margaret
- cellular automaton
- Celsus
- central state materialism
- certainty
- ceteris paribus clause
- CH
- chance
- change
- change, Cambridge
- Chang Hsüeh-ch’eng
- Chang Tsai
- chaos theory
- chaotic system
- character
- character, semantic
- characteristica universalis
- charity, principle of
- Charron, Pierre
- cheapest-cost avoider
- Ch’en Hsien-chang
- ch’eng
- Ch’eng Hao
- cheng ming
- Cheng-shih hsüan-hsüeh
- ch’i
- Chiao Hung
- Chia Yi
- ch’ien, k’un
- chien ai
- Ch’ien-fu Lun
- Ch’ien Mu
- chih2
- chih2
- chih-hsing ho-i
- Chillington, Richard
- Chinese Legalism
- Chinese philosophy
- Chinese room argument
- ching
- ch’ing
- Chisholm, Roderick Milton
- chit
- choice, axiom of
- choice sequence
- Chomsky, Noam
- Chomsky hierarchy of languages
- chora
- Chou Tun-yi
- Chrysippus
- Chrysorrhoas
- ch’üan
- Chuang Tzu
- Chu Hsi
- chung, shu
- Chung-yung
- chün-tzu
- Church, Alonzo
- church fathers
- Churchland, Patricia Smith
- Churchland, Paul M.
- Church’s theorem
- Church’s thesis
- Church-Turing thesis
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- circularity
- circular reasoning
- citta-matra
- civic humanism
- civil disobedience
- civil rights
- claim right
- clairvoyance
- Clarke, Samuel
- class
- class, equivalence
- class, proper
- class, reference
- classical conditioning
- classical liberalism
- classical republicanism
- class paradox
- Cleanthes
- clear and distinct idea
- Clement of Alexandria
- Clifford, W(illiam) K(ingdon)
- closed formula
- closed loop
- closed sentence
- closure
- closure, causal
- Coase theorem
- Cockburn, Catherine (Trotter)
- coercion
- cogito argument
- Cogito ergo sum
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive meaning
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive psychotherapy
- cognitive science
- cognitive value
- Cohen, Hermann
- coherence theory of justification
- coherence theory of knowledge
- coherence theory of truth
- coherentism
- Coimbra commentaries
- collective unconscious
- collectivity
- Collier, Arthur
- colligation
- Collingwood, R(obin) G(eorge)
- color realism
- combinatory logic
- command theory of law
- commentaries on Aristotle
- commentaries on Plato
- commission
- commissive
- common-consent arguments for the existence of God
- common effects
- common good
- common notions
- common sense philosophy
- common sensibles
- common sensism
- communication theory
- communism
- communitarianism
- commutative justice
- compactness
- compactness theorem
- compatibilism
- competence, linguistic
- complement
- complementarity
- complementary class
- complementary term
- complementation
- complete negation
- completeness
- completeness, combinatory
- completeness theorem
- complete symbol
- complexe significabile
- complexum significabile
- composition, fallacy of
- compositional intention
- compositionality
- compossible
- comprehension
- comprehension, axiom of
- comprehension, principle of
- comprehension schema
- compresence
- computability
- computability, algorithmic
- computable
- computational
- computational theories of mind
- computer modeling
- computer program
- computer theory
- Comte, Auguste
- conative
- conceivability
- concept
- concept, denoting
- concept, theoretical
- conceptual analysis
- conceptual immediacy
- conceptualism
- conceptual polarity
- conceptual priority
- conceptual role semantics
- conceptual role theory of meaning
- conceptual truth
- conciliarism
- concilience
- conclusive evidence
- conclusive justification
- concomitant variation, method of
- concrescence
- concrete universal
- concretion, principle of
- concretism
- concurrent cause
- concursus dei
- Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de
- condition
- conditional
- conditional, material
- conditional, strict
- conditional probability
- conditional proof
- conditional proposition
- conditioning
- conditio sine qua non
- Condorcet
- Condorcet winner
- confirmation
- confirmation, degree of
- confirmation, paradoxes of
- confirmational holism
- Confucianism
- Confucius
- congruence
- conjecture
- conjunction
- conjunction elimination
- conjunction introduction
- conjunctive normal form
- connected
- connectionism
- connective, propositional
- connective, sentential
- connotation
- conscience
- consciousness
- consent, informed
- consent, tacit
- consequence
- consequence, logical
- consequence, semantic
- consequence argument
- consequence relation
- consequent
- consequentialism
- consequentialism, indirect
- consequential property
- consequentia mirabilis
- conservation
- conservation principle
- consilience
- consistency
- consistency, axiom of
- consistency, semantic
- consistency, syntactic
- Constant, Benjamin
- constant, logical
- constant conjunction
- constant sum game
- constative
- constitution
- constitutive principle
- construct
- construct, hypothetical
- constructionism, social
- constructive dilemma
- constructive empiricism
- constructivism, ethical
- constructivism, mathematical
- constructivism, social
- consubstantiation
- containment
- content
- content, factual
- content, latent
- content, manifest
- content, narrow
- content, propositional
- content, wide
- content externalism
- context principle
- contextual definition
- contextualism
- contiguity
- continence
- Continental philosophy
- Continental rationalism
- contingent
- contingent being
- contingent liar
- contingents, future
- continuant
- continuity, bodily
- continuity, psychological
- continuity, spatiotemporal
- continuum hypothesis
- continuum problem
- contractarianism
- contradiction
- contradiction, pragmatic
- contradiction, principle of
- contradictories
- contraposition
- contrapositive
- contraries
- contrary-to-duty imperative
- contrary-to-fact conditional
- contravalid
- contributive value
- contributory value
- control
- convention
- conventional implicature
- conventionalism
- conventionalism, ethical
- conventionalism, geometric
- conventional sign
- convention T
- convergence
- conversational implicature
- converse
- converse, outer and inner
- converse domain
- converse relation
- conversion
- Conway, Anne
- Cook Wilson, John
- coordination problem
- coordinative definition
- Copernican revolution
- copula
- copulatio
- Cordemoy, Géraud de
- corner quotes
- corners
- corrective justice
- correlativity
- correspondence theory of truth
- corresponding conditional
- corrigibility
- cosmological argument
- cosmology
- cost–benefit analysis
- countable
- counterdomain
- counterexample
- counterfactual analysis of causation
- counterfactuals
- counteridenticals
- counterinstance
- counterpart theory
- count noun
- courage
- Cournot, Antoine-Augustin
- Cousin, Victor
- Couturat, Louis
- covering law model
- Craig reduct
- Craig’s interpolation theorem
- Craig’s theorem
- Crates of Thebes
- Crates the Cynic
- Cratylus of Athens
- Cratylus Zeyl
- creation ex nihilo
- creationism
- creationism, theological
- credibility
- Crescas, Hasdai
- crit
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