Внешние банки: Гаснет свет (2021)


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Внешние банки: Гаснет свет (2021)


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Outer Banks: Lights Out (2021)
Alyssa Sheinmel
inne (Harry N. Abrams, Inc.)
Język publikacji


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka elektroniczna (EBOOK) zabezpieczona ADOBE DRM

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Outer Banks: Lights Out (2021)

An original YA novel based on the hit Netflix series, Outer Banks, written by New York Times bestselling author Alyssa Sheinmel, featuring JJ and John B in a brand-new, high-octane adventure It's spring break in the Outer Banks, and the islands are swarming with rich tourists. The last thing JJ and John B want to do is spend their week watching Kooks in action, so they plan a fishing getaway to the notoriously dangerous Frying Pan Shoals-nicknamed "Graveyard of the Atlantic" for good reason. Turns out they aren't the only adventure-seekers at sea. Soon after they set sail, the friends run into the captivating Savannah, who hitches a ride aboard the HMS Pogue when the weather worsens and her boyfriend leaves her stranded. As a violent storm sets in, the three realize the only place to safely ride out the squall is a creepy, abandoned hotel on the shoals' lighthouse platform. Or is it abandoned? It doesn't take long for the three teens to realize they may not be alone. . . . Further complicating the life-or-death adventure is a mounting attraction between JJ and the secretive Savannah-the closer JJ gets to her, the more he realizes he's playing with fire. Even if they get out of the shoals alive, can a Pogue-Kook romance survive the high-stakes shores of the Outer Banks?

  • Autorzy: Alyssa Sheinmel, Sheinmel
  • Wydawnictwo: ABRAMS
  • Data wydania: 2021
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 288
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781647004811

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