Хватит - Джонсон, Харриет


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Хватит - Джонсон, Харриет


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Enough (2022)
Johnson, Harriet
HarperCollins Publishers
audiobook MP3


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka do słuchania (AUDIOBOOK) w formacie MP3

Enough - Johnson, Harriet

'Outstanding' THE SECRET BARRISTER 'It's brilliant, it's comprehensive, buy it' EVENING STANDARD 'A powerful, illuminating, enraging and inspiring read' JESS PHILLIPS MP 'Precise, heartfelt and anti-pompous' THE TIMES This is a book that calls time on the endless tide of violence against women and the failures of our criminal justice system to respond. From barrister Harriet Johnson, Enough lays bare the appalling status quo of abuse against women in our society, offering an irrefutable case for why change is needed in policing and justice. Most vitally, it also gives a manifesto for how to get there. With expertise, clear-sightedness and appropriate fury, this book helps us see where women are suffering - from homicide to domestic abuse to street harassment. It exposes the ways the criminal justice system lets women down - from officers failing to properly investigate to a lack of consequences when police behaviour is unacceptable, to backlogged courts and the realities of convincing a jury. Addressing misogyny is to everyone's benefit and the answers aren't simple. Enough is the call to arms we can - and must - all get behind.

  • Autorzy: Johnson, Harriet
  • Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Data wydania: 2022
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: MP3 (ZIP)
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9780008533090

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