Большой взрыв в Рио - Костолиас, Александр


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Большой взрыв в Рио - Костолиас, Александр


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Rio's big blast (2021)
Kostolias, Alexandre
Język publikacji
inne (Jaguatirica)


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka elektroniczna (EBOOK) zabezpieczona ADOBE DRM

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Rio's big blast - Kostolias, Alexandre

The year is 2065. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is getting ready to celebrate its 500th anniversary. Ten million people will attend the event at the giant Copacabana Beach Park. Billions will watch on colossal screens spread throughout the Solar System. However, at midnight, something unprecedented and bombastic will, and is about to happen. Bruna is perhaps the last human female of her species who wants to be loved, wants to be a mother, and who wants to love and nurture her own children. Her civil cohabitant Maxim is too busy piloting spaceships to and from Planet Mars to offer her any attention. Bruna fears he's, at least in part, an android. An immersion into what things will be like living in Rio, living in Brazil, living on planet Earth, living on the Moon, and living on other planets in the Solar System. More significantly, this is an essay that seeks to address the overwhelming, startling, and unavoidable issue of whom and what we human beings will have become by 2065. Alexandre Kostolias was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1949. He lived his early years and part of his adult life in the United States, mostly in San Francisco, California. He travelled to over forty countries in the Americas, Europe, North Africa and Asia. He graduated in International Relations (Magna cum Laude, 1985) from San Francisco State University and attended the University of California, Berkeley. Later, back to Rio, he published four books in Portuguese, including two novels. Alexandre Kostolias perceives himself as a Brazilian writer who aspires to become a citizen of the world and believes that "there is no road map to peace, that peace is the road map", a habit, a culture, a way of coexisting. He's firmly convinced that we just belong to a small planet lost in the universe.

  • Autorzy: Kostolias, Alexandre
  • Wydawnictwo: Jaguatirica
  • Data wydania: 2021
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9788556621016

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