Финансовая отчетность: экономический анализ


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Финансовая отчетность: экономический анализ


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Język publikacji
Financial Statements: Economic Analysis and Interpretation
Praca zbiorowa
książka papierowa
Rok wydania
inne (Rivington Publishing)


Financial Statements: Economic Analysis Gatunek Matematyka, statystyka

Financial Statements: Economic Analysis and Interpretation

  • Autor: Weiser Benjamin
  • Wydawnictwo: Rivington Publishing
  • Rok wydania: 2006
  • Oprawa: Twarda
  • Format: 170 x 250 mm
  • Objętość: 360 str.
  • Stan: Używana, książka w bardzo ładnym stanie.
  • ISBN: 9781845780104

"Financial Statements: Economic analysis and interpretation", explains the logic of financial statements and how we use them to analyse firms in economic terms. The book is aimed both at practitioners and students and is fully international in scope. The approach and coverage are quite different to previous books on accounting. The book looks at financial statements from the perspective of users. It employs an economic model from investment theory to organize the discussion, leading to a focus on the integrity of the balance sheet - on the completeness of the balance sheet and on the valuation of assets and liabilities. This approach brings a remarkable amount of order and simplicity to an otherwise complex subject. So, though the book is quite short, it contains a comprehensive review of how financial statements are analysed in practice, and of 'GAAP' or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, comparing the two dominant systems, US GAAP and IFRS. The book is in four parts: Part 1, Introduction to accounting, explain the logic of accounting and describes the content of a balance sheet and an income statement. It shows how a firm's income depends on the 'accounting model' it uses - that is, what assets and liabilities are recognized in the balance sheet and at what values. Part 2, Return on capital, shows how to calculate the return that a firm is earning on its capital. Using financial statement data to calculate a 'value metric', which is a measure of investment return that can be compared to the firm's cost of capital, is a stern test of accounting.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


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