Наполеоновские французские гусары 1808-1815 гг. - 13 шт.


5 366  ₽
Наполеоновские французские гусары 1808-1815 гг. - 13 шт.
  • 0 раз купили
  • 5  оценка
  • 1 осталось
  • 2 отзыва


  • Почта России

    1443 ₽

  • Курьерская доставка EMS

    1807 ₽


Inne systemy
BLACK POWDER French Hussars
Warlord games
Liczba figurek
Wersja językowa gry
Język instrukcji
Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
0.25 kg
tworzywo sztuczne


Napoleonic French Hussars - 13 szt.

Figurki plastikowe NOWE

Skala 28 mm

Model do sklejenia i pomalowania

Nie zawiera farb i kleju

Napoleonic warfare saw bewildering varieties of exotic uniforms worn by the various armies that marched and fought in the early 19th century. There were none so exotic and magnificent as the Hussar regiments of the French army. These dashing light cavalry donned outfits originally inspired by Turkish, and later Hungarian, cavalry. Each of the fourteen regiments formed wore a differing uniform, with the result that a Hussar brigade made a most impressive sight.

Mounted on small but tough horses, they were used on campaign in scouting and raiding roles. Their élan and dash made up for their smaller mounts and lack of armour on the field of battle.

Principally armed with the curved light cavalry sabre they could also carry a carbine, or more commonly a pistol, into the fray.

A regiment was formed into four squadrons, each of two companies, and the first company in a regiment was usually the elite company, distinguished by their bearskin fur colpacks.

Vive L’Empereur!

Box set Contains:

  • 12 plastic easy-build French Hussars.
  • 1 additional metal officer and metal horse.
  • 1 additional metal bugler.
  • Optional metal arm for eagle bearer.

Although a standard unit size for French Hussars would be 12 in most games, this box allows you to make 13 mounted French Hussars, giving you the choice of fielding them with or without command models.

Symbol produktu: 302012002

Producent: Warlord Games

Napoleonic French Hussars 1808-1815 - 13 szt.
Napoleonic French Hussars 1808-1815 - 13 szt. System Inne systemy
Napoleonic French Hussars 1808-1815 - 13 szt. Nazwa BLACK POWDER French Hussars
Napoleonic French Hussars 1808-1815 - 13 szt. Wydawca Warlord games
Napoleonic French Hussars 1808-1815 - 13 szt. Rodzaj zestaw


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Отзывы о товаре

Рейтинг товара 5 / 5

2 отзыва

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