Справочник семейных путешествий, путеводитель Lonely Planet, текущее издание


3 272  ₽
Справочник семейных путешествий, путеводитель Lonely Planet, текущее издание


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Język publikacji
Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
0.376 kg
książka papierowa
Rok wydania
Typ publikacji
mapa samochodowa
The Family Travel Handbook
Lonely Planet
Liczba stron
Numer wydania
Lonely Planet
Szerokość produktu
20.9 cm
Wysokość produktu
16.6 cm


przewodnik, Data wydania: 01-06-2020

The Family Travel Handbook przewodnik Lonely Planet aktualne wydanie

Full of practical advice, ideas and inspiration from Lonely Planet’s parents to you, this essential guide gives you the lowdown on the wealth of amazing travel experiences around the world – and how to plan and enjoy them with your family. From navigating air and train travel to approaching unfamiliar meals and a change in routine, The Family Travel Handbook encourages curiosity, exploration and independence.

This handy trip planner brings all our expertise together into one useful guide that you can refer to for everything from ideas about exploring the great outdoors to how to pack up everything and take the kids on a round-the-world trip. It’ll help you to explore more confidently and, if you’re willing, take you out of your comfort zone to experience even more remarkable sights and activities.

We also include a section of recommendations on the best places to go, whatever sort of trip you’re after – from the top five places for infants, toddlers, tweens and teenagers, and the top five budget destinations, to our favourite family-friendly cruises, wildlife-spotting adventures and beach holidays.

Whether your family are experienced jet-setters or unsure where to start taking your kids, we’ll show you how rewarding and memorable opportunities for family travel exist at every turn.

The handbook contains:

Getting Ready:

  • Deciding where to go
  • Travelling independently vs taking a package
  • Travellers with disabilities
  • Family finances

In Transit:

  • Take to the skies
  • Embrace the open road
  • Let the train take the strain
  • All aboard: cruising with kids

On the Ground:

  • Where to stay
  • Where and what to eat and drink
  • The challenges of different ages

Exploring the Great Outdoors:

  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Water-based activities
  • Snow-based activities
  • Travelling sustainably with kids

Ready to be Adventurous?:

  • Start small: embrace the possibilities
  • Push your collective comfort zones
  • Be a world nomad
  • Let them fly the travel nest

After the Trip:

  • Photography on the road
  • Back home
The Family Travel Handbook przewodnik Lonely Planet aktualne wydanie Nośnik książka papierowa
The Family Travel Handbook przewodnik Lonely Planet aktualne wydanie Okładka miękka

Język: angielski

Wydawca: Lonely Planet

Rodzaj produktu: przewodnik

Autor: Praca zbiorowa

Data wydania: 01-06-2020

Wydanie: 1

Oprawa: miękka

Ilość stron: 168

Wymiary / mm: 165x210

ISBN: 978-1-78868-915-1

The Family Travel Handbook przewodnik Lonely Planet aktualne wydanie Typ publikacji mapa samochodowa


  • Гарантии

    Мы работаем по договору оферты и предоставляем все необходимые документы.

  • Лёгкий возврат

    Если товар не подошёл или не соответсвует описанию, мы поможем вернуть его.

  • Безопасная оплата

    Банковской картой, электронными деньгами, наличными в офисе или на расчётный счёт.

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