Социальные и культурные аспекты спорта


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Социальные и культурные аспекты спорта


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Język publikacji
książka papierowa
Rok wydania
Social and cultural aspects of sport
Jerzy Kosiewicz
Liczba stron
Szerokość produktu
17 cm
Wysokość produktu
24 cm
Dyscyplina sportu
opracowania ogólne


Social and cultural aspects of sport

Jerzy Kosiewicz - Introduction

Part I  Sport from the Social Perspective

Jerzy Kosiewicz - Sociology of Sport in Europe - Historical and Reasearch

Stanisław Kowalczyk - Sports Activity - Participation in Culture

Zbigniew Dziubiński - Secularisation and Sport

Piotr Rymarczyk - Cultural Images of the Body as a Subject of Visual Sociology

Marcel Nemec, Jan Junger - Play - Archetypal Element of Human Corporality / Analysis of the Phenomenon of Play in Johan Huizinga's Homo Iudens/

Jerzy Kosiewicz - Are the Olimpic Games Anything More than Sport?

Jakub Mosz - Spoart as a Source of Local Identity

Monika Piątkowska - Physical Activity Level in Socio-Professional Groups of Polish Society

Joanna Femiak - Autobiographies of Polish Solo Athletes from the Viewpoint of Psychology of Narration

Józef Bergier, Paulina Krawczak - Polish Girls' Interest in Football

Krzysztof W. Jankowski, Michał Lenartowicz - Sport Coaching in the View of National Team Coaches - Just a Job or a Mission

PART II  Pedagogical Aspects of Sport

Jan Junger, Marcel Nemec - Physical Education Reality and Its Phenomenological Thematizing

Jolanta Żyśko - Education of Young Gifted Athletes in Selected European Countries

Wojciech J. Cynarski - Stoic Philosphy of Asiatic Martial Arts

Anna Bochenek, Witold. J. Murzyński - Values and Threats in Contemporary Sport in the Views of Physical Education Students

Julia. M. Różewska - Instrumental Value od Sport in the Process of Learning Foreign Language

Anna Kuk, Jan Turlejski - Values Preferred by Swimmers in the Context of Max Scheler's Theory

PART III Aggresive Behaviours in Sport

Josef Oborny - Authentic and Inauthentic Sport

Jerzy Kosiewicz - Necessary and Harmful Aggression in Sport

Ales Sekot - Sport and Spectator Aggression Behaviour - Football Hooliganism

Tomasz Sahaj - Social Roots of Football Hooliganism

Jolanta E. Kowalska - Ultras - Hooligans or Football Fans?

PART IV  Social and Ethical Foundations of Tourism and Recreation

Ivo Jirasek - Constitutive Aspects of Tourist's and Pilgrim's Behaviour

Marek Kazimierczak - Sport Tourism and Prospects for Sustainable Development

Zbigniew Krawczyk - Poles' Forein Travels. A Sociological Analysis

Karol Gorner - The Social Role and Qualifications of the Animator of Leisure Time Sports and Recreational Activities

PART V  Physical Culture and Sport in Historical Interpretation

Jerzy Chełmecki - National Upbringing in Activity of the "Sokół" Athletic Society in Warsaw in the Years 1905 - 1939

Stanisław Zaborniak - Tradition of Scouting in the Activity of a Ukrainian Youth Organization "Płast" of the Poulish Land in the Years 1911 - 1939 on the Centenary of Gen. Robert Baden Powell's Scouting Movement

Barbara Pędraszewska - Social Conditioning of Development of Physical Activity in the Prewar Capiatl City

PART VI  Physical Culture and Sport in the Light of Praxeological Assumptions

Wojciech Ryszkowski - The Category of Activity within the Theory of Physical Education

Zbigniew Pawlak, Andrzej Smoleń - Concept of Diagnosis of Sports Companies' Organisational Culture

Andrzej Smoleń, Zbigniew Pawlak - Restructuring Vs. Development of Sports Clubs

Stanisław Bryl - Political Indifference of Rivalry in Professional Sport as a Value - the Favourable Factors and Barriers


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