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Kod producenta
inny (Vivat)


Golda w.ukraińska (książka)

  • Autor: Barkett E.
  • Wydawnictwo: Vivat
  • Rok wydania: 2023
  • Oprawa: twarda
  • Liczba stron: 512
  • Format: 205 x 150 mm
  • Kod paskowy (EAN): 9789669820938
  • Kategoria: Książki > Literatura obcojęzyczna

Książka "Golda w.ukraińska" - opis

Golda Meir was the first female head of state in recent history, one of the founders of Israel, a successful politician, a real "iron lady". Her dedication to the creation and defense of a Jewish homeland against bitter enemies and treacherous allies shaped Middle East politics for decades to come. She became an "anomaly phenomenon" for the patriarchal government of the time, in particular because of her iron determination combined with charm, kindness, uncompromisingness and total devotion to her country. In this fascinating biography, the author introduces the reader to the little-known facts of Golda Meir's life, explaining her complex motivations and ideals , telling about the personal victories and disappointments of the legendary persona. Golda was a real superwoman: something from Emma Goldman, something from Nelson Mandela. Her incredible confidence and willpower will motivate you to new achievements.


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