Звезды и кости, украинская версия


2 850  ₽
Звезды и кости, украинская версия
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  • 3 осталось
  • 2 отзыва


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    1754 ₽

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Kod producenta
inny (Vivat)


Stars and bones, wersja ukraińska (książka)

  • Autor: I Grabovska
  • Wydawnictwo: Vivat
  • Rok wydania: 2023
  • Język: ukraiński
  • Oprawa: twarda
  • Liczba stron: 464
  • Format: 15.0 x 20.5 cm
  • Numer ISBN: 9789669829030
  • Kod paskowy (EAN): 9789669829030
  • Kategoria: Książki > Książki ukraińskie

Książka "Stars and bones, wersja ukraińska" - opis

The world, illuminated by the sacred light of the Stars, has been torn apart by war for several years. The Principality of the Winged, Reton, finds itself at the epicenter of the conflict between the powerful human states. On the shoulders of the young prince Yanna lies a heavy duty: to restore the right of inheritance, establish peace on his native land and stop the extermination But surviving in a world where the dead rise up on the battlefield and the living rule monsters is no easy task, as enemies plot and allies demand exorbitant fees for help.

Stars and Bones begins the story of a great struggle, where each of the heroes will face their own darkness.


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