Физическая активность в интеграции Европы


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Физическая активность в интеграции Европы


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Język publikacji
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0.4 kg
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Rok wydania
Physical activity in integrating Europe
Jerzy Kosiewicz
AWF Warszawa
Liczba stron
Szerokość produktu
16.5 cm
Wysokość produktu
24 cm
Dyscyplina sportu
opracowania ogólne


Physical activity in integrating Europe


J.Kosiewicz - Sport in the Face of Values and Social Changes

Part I. Sport and Philosophy

1. J. Kosiewicz - Sport from Anthropological, Social, Meyhodological and Axiological Perspective

2. I. Jirasek - Anthropology, Sport and Philosophy

3. J. Mosz - Sport as the Human Body Beauty Pattern

4. K. Obodyński, W. Cynarski - Oriental Philopshy of Sport as Interpretation of Martial Arts of the Far East

Part II. Sport in the Age of Globalization

1. Z. Krawczyk - Tourism as a Symptom and Factor of Globalization

2. S. Kowalczyk - Sport and the Problem of Peace

3. S. Bryl - Physical Culture and Physical Education as Its Segment in the Prospect of Globalization of Culture

4. A. Sekot, M. Charwat - Sport Mobility in the Context of Globalization

5. J. Junger Sport in the Slovak Republic in the Context of New Social Conditions

6.  J. Chełmecki - Ideas of Universalizm in Polish Sport in the Interwar Period

7. B. Pędraszewska - The tradition of Sport in Warsaw /1919 - 1939/

Part III. Cultural and Personal Values of Physical Activity

1. D. Leska - Sport as a Part of Slovak Culture after Entering the European Union

2. S. Tokarski - Sport, Multicultural Diversity and European Integration

3. J. Oborny - Authentic and Depersonalized Experience in Sport

4. K. Zieliński - personalistic Norm in Physical Education

Part IV. Physical Culture and Sport on Various Levels of Education

1. B. Hodań - Reflection of Sociual Changes in the Development of Physical Culture

2. M. Ponczek - The Roman Catholic Church and the Changes in Polish Physical Culture in the Years 1990 - 2000

3. Z. Dziubiński - Attitudes of Alumni of Theological

4. K. Korvinova - Preferences in the Sphere Activities, Tourism and Sports

5. K. Gorner - Olympic Education from the Viewpoint of the Level of Information of Older Primary School Pupils about the Winter Olympic Games

6. J. Junger - Sport Humanites in Preparation of Physical Educationalists in the Slovak Repuplic

7. S. Wanat - Physical Culture in Big-City Youths Leisure Model8. M. Lenartowicz, K. Jankowski - Sport and Physical Recreation of Warsaw Secondary Comprehensive Schools Pupils

Part V. Physical Culture and Sport in Extra-School Institutions

1. A. Rakowski - Organisation of Physical Culture in Polish Army and Armies of Selected European Countries

2. M. Cernek - Sokolhood - the Medium of European Integration?

3. A. Kieszek - Preferred Rest Forms of Mentally and Physically Handicapped Children in the Opinion of Their Teachers and Eucators

Part VI. Selected Problems of Researches on Physical Activity

1. L. Jaczynowski,  T. Polkowski - Compatibility of Assessment Systems of SOCIETIES Physical Activities

2. A. Majchrzyk - Jaszczyk - Physical Activity Insurance

3. M. Duricek, J. Rut, P. Rut - Recreation in the  Structure of Free Time in a Chosen Community of the podkarpackie Region

Part VII. Organisational and Economical Issues of Sport and Physical Culture

1. A. Smoleń, J. Żyśko - Comparative Analysis of Sport Organisational Structures in Selected European Countries

2. A. Gryglewicz, A. Smoleń -Legal and Institutional Grounds of Sport Organisation of the Disabled in Selected Countries of European Union

3. J. Skoumal - The General Structure og the Regional Sport Development in the Czech Republic

4. M. Pastwa - Basic Directions og Changes in Financing Sport and Recreation in Poland after 2000

5. V. Hobza - Multiplier Economic Effect in Sport and its Sequentiality

6. M. Cejmer, Z. Pawlak, A. Smoleń - Sports Investments as the Basis of the Development of Movement Activity in Integrating Europe

7. E. Ryszkowska, T. Lisicki - Prtoblems of Emplyment in Opinions Graduates of Academy of Physical Education on Warsaw


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