Это развлечения: зрелища, развлечения и культура досуга (из


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Это развлечения: зрелища, развлечения и культура досуга (из


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That's Entertainment: Spectacle, Amusement and Leisure Culture (Out of
Fadda, Michele
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That's Entertainment: Spectacle, Amusement and Leisure Culture (Out of Series)

That's Entertainment: Spectacle, Amusement and Leisure Culture (Out of Tytuł That's Entertainment: Spectacle, Amusement and Leisure Culture (Out of
  • Autor: Fadda, Michele
  • Wydawnictwo: Mimesis International
  • Data wydania: 2024-06-30
  • Liczba stron: 320
  • Język: English: Published; English: Original Language; English
  • ISBN: 9788869771798

Product Description The 20th century witnessed the collapse of the traditional separation between the realm of 'official' culture and that of 'popular' entertainment. This event produced dramatic consequences at all levels of social life in the West, especially in the English-speaking context. Yet, due to its gigantic breadth and scope, the turn towards entertainment still begs for a detailed exploration. This book aims to deepen the analysis of this momentous transformation, engaging in particular with questions such as: what effects have been produced by performative and recreational practices (theater, music, radio, serious and popular literature, comic strips) in the systemic evolution of cinema and television? What role has technology played in the development of recreational forms in the 20th century? Can entertainment and its exploitation still be operative in the era of new media and the internet? By focusing on the English-speaking context, this volume offers new historical perspectives on the forms of entertainment and amusement that have become hegemonic worldwide over the past century. About the Author Michele Fadda is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna. He published a volume on the relationship between film and literature and a study on the aesthetic of contemporary film ("Il cinema contemporaneo. Caratteri e fenomenologia", Bologna, 2009), as well as edited books on the golden age of Hollywood cartoons, contemporary cinema within convergent culture ("Corto circuito. Il cinema nell'era della convergenza", Bologna, 2011), classical American film genres and Monte Hellman ("American Stranger. Il cinema di Monte Hellman", Bologna, 2009).Sara Pesce is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna. She is the author of a few books on Hollywood Jewish founders,World War II and Italian Cinema and the actor Laurence Olivier’s. She is editor and author of "Memory and paratextual media" published by Routledge.


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