Путеводитель по облакам Alibaba Делб, Бруно


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Путеводитель по облакам Alibaba Делб, Бруно


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Język publikacji
Alibaba Cloud Guide
Delb, Bruno
książka papierowa
Rok wydania
inne (Bruno Delb)


Alibaba Cloud Guide

Alibaba Cloud Guide Delb, Bruno
  • Autor: Delb, Bruno
  • Wydawnictwo: Bruno Delb
  • Data wydania: 2021-08-21
  • Liczba stron: 545
  • Wymiary: 15.2 x 3.1 x 22.9
  • Język: English: Published; English: Original Language; English
  • ISBN: 9791092929065

This book aims to introduce you to Alibaba Cloud offering. Founded in 2009 to serve the internal needs of the Alibaba ecosystem, Alibaba Cloud dominates the cloud market in China and Asia while AWS dominates the market outside Asia. Alibaba Cloud is the fourth largest cloud provider in the world, behind AWS and Azure. Alibaba Cloud can rely on the vastness of China to launch full-scale experiments, especially in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, and improve its technologies at a speed unmatched anywhere in the world. Alibaba Cloud also differentiates itself on other points, such as the number of services, price, and security. For western companies wishing to have a presence in China, the choice of Alibaba Cloud is based on their leadership position and the assistance they offer to meet regulatory obligations and to take these obligations into account in their Cloud offering. This book introduces you to the basic services of Alibaba Cloud: network setup with VPC and VSwitch, user management with RAM, virtual machine management with ECS, scaling of these ECS instances with Auto Scaling, high availability with SLB Load Balancing, object storage with OSS, accelerated content distribution with CDN, DNS record management, databases with RDS, monitoring of Cloud services with Cloud Monitor, security with Anti-DDoS, Docker image storage with Container Registry. The course will end with three case studies: launching an ECS instance, creating a MySQL RDS database, hosting a static website on OSS and distributing it via CDN.


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