Kitty Piper, Angel Cat, Book 3, a Surprise for Ash


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Kitty Piper, Angel Cat, Book 3, a Surprise for Ash


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Kitty Piper, Angel Cat, Book 3, a Surprise for Ashley
Lasota, Mary
Język publikacji


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Kitty Piper, Angel Cat, Book 3, a Surprise for Ash Nośnik ebook

Kitty Piper meets Ashley, a young seven year old. Ashley has never had a birthday party. She desperately wants a birthday party and she wants to go to a special concert afterwards. Ashley doesn't have enough money for the concert. Kitty Piper talks to Ashley's Mom. Ashley's Mom agrees but since there is so little money in that household, she doesn't want to beg for it to happen. Kitty Piper assures her, there will be no begging. Jen Crowley agrees under those conditions. Kitty Piiper discusses it with her Mommy. She is very interested in helping out and said she would collect money from the townies to pay for it. Kitty Piper next goes to Ashley's school and invites Ashley's classmates to the party. They said they would all come. Meanwhile, tickets are very rare for this extremely popular young man's concerts. Harlan, a friend, suggests Kitty Piper's Mom try the internet. She does and finds out the tickets are sold out. Kitty Piper Mom telephones Mrs. Chancellor, a very well connected in town. and asks her if she can get them tickets. Kitty Piper and Harlan go to visit Joe Crowley, Ashley's father, and ask him to come to the party. After much arm twisting, he said he will. Harlan drives them back to town and lets Kitty Piper off at the Pizza Corner where she orders food. On the day of the party, Harlan brings Ashley home after a day of apple picking. Ashley is so happy to see everyone waiting and wishing her a Happy Birthday. There is much merriment. Joe Crowley shows up and Ashley is beside herself that her Dad came. After the dancing, singing and eating, Ashley opens all of her gifts and thanks everyone for them. Later, Jen suggests they go for a ride. A limo drives up and takes them to the concert. It's a day that Ashley will never forget. This loving book is for kids from the ages of six upwards. Adults will enjoy it too. The author suggests coloring the pictures. And, adding that which would make the pictures even more beautiful.

  • Autorzy: Lasota, Mary
  • Wydawnictwo: AuthorHouse
  • Data wydania: 2011
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 48
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781463414986

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