Dead by Sunset - Правило, Энн АУДИОКНИГА


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Dead by Sunset - Правило, Энн АУДИОКНИГА


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Dead by Sunset (2011)
Rule, Ann
audiobook MP3


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka do słuchania (AUDIOBOOK) w formacie MP3

Dead by Sunset - Rule, Ann AUDIOBOOK

The author of eight New York Times bestsellers, Ann Rule first won nationwide acclaim with The Stranger Beside Me, about serial killer Ted Bundy. Her Crime Files volumes, based on fascinating case histories, have assured her reputation as our premier chronicler of crime. Now the former Seattle policewoman brings us the horrific account of a charismatic man adored by beautiful and brilliant women who always gave him what he, money, their very lives.... When attorney Cheryl Keeton's brutally bludgeoned body was found in her van in the fast lane of an Oregon freeway, her husband, Brad Cunningham, was the likely suspect. But there was no solid evidence linking him to the crime. He married again, for the fifth time, and his stunning new wife, a physician named Sara, adopted his three sons. They all settled down to family life on a luxurious estate. But gradually, their marriage became a nightmare.... In this gripping account of Cheryl's murder, Ann Rule takes us from Brad's troubled boyhood to one of the most bizarre trials in legal history, uncovering multiple marriages, financial manipulations, infidelities, and monstrous acts of harassment and revenge along the way. Dead By Sunset is Ann Rule at her riveting best.

  • Autorzy: Rule, Ann
  • Wydawnictwo: Simon & Schuster Audio
  • Data wydania: 2011
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: MP3 (ZIP)
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781442343030

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