Остров доктора Моро - Электронная книга Герберта Уэллса


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Остров доктора Моро - Электронная книга Герберта Уэллса


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Island Of Dr Moreau (2014)
H. G Wells
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Island Of Dr Moreau - H. G Wells EBOOK Nośnik ebook

Herbert George Wells was born on 21st September 1866 in Bromley, Kent. His enthusiasm for the literary world was ignited by the suffering of a broken leg as an 8 year old. As convalescence was boring to the young child he took refuge in the world of books and soon began to plan his own stories. His own education was interrupted constantly. After some years learning trade skills and copperplate handwriting he was teaching at Wookey, Somerset as a pupil-teacher the younger students. When he was dismissed from this he was a chemist's assistant for a short time before he was apprenticed as a draper. The long days of learning and dormitory living lent much to experiences he could later use. However his family was beset by financial difficulties and soon had to split up and live in different locations in order to survive. However by 1895 Wells was to first have serialized and then published 'The Time Machine'. It was a glorious creation and set him on the path to become the foremost science fiction writer of his age. His output was tremendous, almost methodical as though seizing every opportunity to unleash his fabulous ideas on a waiting public. Here we publish 'The Island Of Dr Moreau'. A quite chilling book and a further example of the mastery of Well's writing.

  • Autorzy: H. G Wells
  • Wydawnictwo: Copyright Group
  • Data wydania: 2014
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 87
  • Format pliku: DRM PDF
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781783949984

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