Геополитика Инициативы трёх морей


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Геополитика Инициативы трёх морей


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Język publikacji
The geopolitics of the Three Seas Initiative
Radosław Zenderowski
książka papierowa
Rok wydania
Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW


The geopolitics of the Three Seas Initiative

Radosław Zenderowski

Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW

Warszawa 2023

ISBN: 978-83-8281-307-4

liczba stron: 110

okładka miękka


Opis wydawcy


The geopolitics of the Three Seas Initiative

Space - History - Former Ideas and Modern Concepts


Given its position between Eastern Europe, Russia and Turkey on one side and Western Europe on the other, the is undoubtedly an important geopolitical region. From a historical perspective, it was an area of clashes between German (Prussia, Austria, Germany after 1871), Russian, Turkish (Ottoman), as well as Polish (or more precisely - Polish-Lithuanian) and Hungarian influences. The nations and states anchored in the region made attempts, starting from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, to integrate this area politically as a sine qua non for maintaining sovereignty and independence from external powers. Several centuries of the political history of Central-Eastern Europe or Central Europe, define its identity as a field of play for powers, a relatively specific and inevitably temporary buffer zone, on the one hand, and indicate various attempts to overcome the status of a peripheral area exploited by external powers. In the second decade of the 21st century, there was rapidly growing interest in the region from the world's powers. The reason for this was its position between Russia and Western Europe, which in the geopolitical game of Russia, the USA, China and Germany is starting to play an increasingly important role. Furthermore, it should be taken into account that an important factor is the rapid economic development of the countries of the region, the related growing demand for energy resources and the growing political ambitions of the respective countries of the Three Seas Initiative.


Spis treści


List of Figures

List of Tables


1. The geographical area of the Three Seas Initiative

2. Resources of the 3SI

A. Demographic resources

B. Economic resources

C. Infrastructure resources

D. Military assets

3. Three Seas Initiative countries and their interests

A. Community of fate – community of interests?

B. Divergent vectors and interests

C. The integration determinants of the 3SI

4. Key geopolitical players in relation to the Three Seas Initiative

A. Russian Federation

B. People’s Republic of China

C. United States of America

D. The European Union and Germany

E. Turkey

F. Serbia

G. Ukraine

H. Japan

J. South Korea






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