Польские археологические рефераты, том 19/1992.
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Polish Archaeological Abstracts vol.19
Czasopismo jest przeznaczone dla badaczy zagranicznych zainteresowanych publikacjami w języku polskim z dziedziny archeologi . Publikacja tomu 19 zawiera spis i sterczenia w języku angielskim, artykułów polskich badaczy z 1988 roku wraz z suplementem z lat poprzednich. Zostały one opublikowane w licznych periodykach takich jak np :Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, Kwartalnik Hist Kultury Materialnej i.Na początku publikacji zamieszczony jest alfabetyczny index autorów oraz tabela zawartości tematów prac z podziałem na epoki historyczne
POLISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS is intended for all scholars interested in Polish archaeological publications. Volume 19 contains abstracts from prehistorical and archaeological literature published in Poland in 1988, and supplements to works from proceeding years. Also included are abstracts from related disciplines in which archaeological results were taken into account, and from literature supplementary to archaeology, e. g. natural and technical sciences, if the articles are based on archaeological sources. Abstracts are given from periodicals and collective works of studies, papers and general articles on individual disciplines or problems and sources, and reports from field excavations. Abstracts are given of monographs (books). Notes concerning new discoveries annals and reports of the activities of institutions, biographies and obituaries, and museum acquisitions are not abstracted. A complete list of periodicals and series from which the abstracts are made can be found on pages IV-VI where the English translations of titles and sponsored institutions are given. The abstracts are listed according to chronological epochs and periods, Palaeolithic to the end of the 15th century A D., in which frame they are presented according to problems and authors. Chronological and item division can be found in the cross-reference on pages IV-VI where the English translations of titles and sponsored institusions are given............
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