Омния Рес Мобилия
Książka w języku angielskim Zbiór studiów poświęconych materialnym warunkom życia różnych grup społeczeństwa polskiego w XVI–XIX w., napisanych na podstawie specyficznej kategorii źródeł – pośmiertnych inwentarzy mienia.
Jerzy Kruppe, Movable Property of Poznań Townspeople in the 18th Century
Mirosława Gajewska, Domestic Equipment in 18th Century Middle-class Households in Poznań and Warsaw
Elżbieta Balcerzak, Metal Articles in Urban Householdsof 18th Century Poland
Jerzy Kruppe, Old Articles Among the Movable Possiessions of Townspeople in 18th Century Poznań
Andrzej Pośpiech, Regestrum omnium rerum mobilium. Probate Inventories of the Polish Gentry as a Source for the Study of the Landed Society (the Case od Wielkopolska in the 17th Century)
Dariusz Główka, Introduction to the Study of Material Evidence on the Living Conditions of the Polish Clergy in the Post-Tridentine Era
Andrzej Klonder, Personal Effects of Elbląg Poorhouse Inmates in the 17th Century
Elżbieta Kowecka, Furnishings and Furniture of Warsaw Houses in the 19th Century (until the 1870s)
Irena Turnau, Jewish Costume in Sixteenth-Eightteenth Century Poland
Irena Turnau, Evolution of the Polish National Costume from ca. 1530 until 1795
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